Registered CSO(s)

Organization Name Area of Intervention Year of Establishment
Collectif des Federations et Reseaux d'ONG du Benin
Front des Organizations Nationales anti-corruption
Association des Volontaires pour le Secours et l'Assistance (AVOSAH-ONG
Association pour la Solidarite et la Paix Mondiale
Reseau pour l'Integration des ONG et Associations africaines
Association des Femmes Avocates
Coordination des ONG, Associations des Femmes du Burkina (COA/FEB) HR, Natural resources, Peace education, women, peace and security 1994
Association burkinabe pour la Promotion de la Parente a Plaisanterie (AB3P) 1998
Reseau d'information et de communication sur l'Action Parlementaire
Ligue pour la Defense de la Justice et de la Liberte
Centre d'information et de formation sur les Droits de l'Homme en Afrique (CIFDHA)
Association des Jeunes pour la Non-Violence (AJNV)
Association Graine de Paix
Cadre Africain de Cooperation Civilo-Militaire (CCCM) Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Peace Education, Security Governance, Humanitarian Assistance 2012
Association Le TOCSIN Early warning, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Cross-border initiatives, Humanitarian, Assistance, Peace Education Youth 1997
Centre Regional de Promotion de la Societe Civile pour la Culture de la Paix et le Developpement Durable (CRPSCPDD) Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Disarmament, Women, peace and security, Peace education, Corruption 2011
Plateforme des Organisations de la Societe Civile pour l'Observation des Elections en Cote d'Ivoire (POECI) Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Peace education, Corruption DEC. 2014
Plate-forme de la Societe Civile pour la Paix et la Democratie (PSCPD) Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Disarmament, Youth Empowerment, Peace education, Corruption FEV. 2006
Regroupement des Acteurs Ivoiriens des Droits Humains (RAIDH) Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resources governance, Disarmament, Peace education, Human and Drug trafficking, Corruption JAN. 2005
Reseau Paix et securite des femmes dans l'espace CEDEAO - Section Cote d'Ivoire (REPSFECO-CI) Preventive diplomacy, Natural resources governance, Women, Peace and Security, Peace education 2010
Forum de la societe civile de l'Afrique de l'Ouest / Section Cote d'Ivoire (FOSCAO-CI) Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resources governance, Cross-border initiative, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Peace education, Drug and human trafficking, 2013
Centre de Recherche et d'Action pour la Paix (CERAP) Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Women, peace and security, Peace education, Corruption 2010
LIGUE IVOIRIENNE DES DROITS DE L'HOMME (LIDHO) Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Peace education 1987
Coalition de la Societe civile pour la Paix et le developpement democratique en Cote d'Ivoire (COSOPCI) Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Women, peace and security, Peace education 2004
Leadership Jeune pour la Paix et le developpement en Afrique section Cote d'Ivoire (LEJEPAD-CI) Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Security governance, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Peace education, Counter-terrorism and radicalization 2015
Initiative de Dialogue et Recherche Action pour la Paix (INDIGO)
Reseau des Journalistes pour la Paix et la Securite (Network of Journalists for Peace and Security, RJPS) Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Security governance, Media, Peace Education 2007
Coordination des Clubs et Associations Universitaires UNESCO de Cote d'Ivoire (CAU-CI) pour l'Education a la Citoyennete et a la Democratie Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resources governance, Cross-border initiative, Security Governance, Women, peace and security, Humanitarian Assistance Youth empowerment, Peace education, Drug and human trafficking, Counter-terrorism and radicalization, Maritime security, Money laundring 1994
Women and Child Care
African Network for information and Action Against Drug
Campaign for the Development of Women and Solidarity
Institute for Social Reformation and Action
Foundation for Security and Development in Africa (FOSDA) Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Security governance, Practical disarmament, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment,, Peace education, Counter-Terrorism and radicalization 2001
Centre for Community Livelihood Development (CCLD) Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resources governance, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Peace education, Corruption JULY 2006
Strategic –Way Policy and Economic Development Centre (SWEDEC-GHANA) Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and The Rule of Law, Youth Empowerment, Media, Corruption 2004
Resource Link Foundation (RLF) Resource Link Foundation (RLF) is a Ghanaian Non-Governmental Organization founded in 1999 and registered in 2001. RLF has a philosophy of maximizing human potential for sustainable development in Ghana. 1999
West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) GHANA Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Women, peace and security, Peace Education, 1998
Institute for Democratic Governance
Community Outreach Alliance
Women Media and Change
Ghana Centre For Democratic Development
Agence de Cooperation et de Recherche pour le Developpement (ACORD) Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resources governance, Cross-border initiative, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Peace education, Humanitarian assistance ACORD est
Mêmes Droits pour Tous (MDT) Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Women, peace and security, Humanitarian assistance, Peace education, Human and drug trafficking., Corruption 2004
Forum des ONG pour le Developpement Durable (FONGDD) Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Women, peace and security, Natural Resources governance, Peace education, Money Laundry, Corruption 2006
Reseau Paix et Securite pour les Femmes de l'Espace CEDEAO de Guinee (REPSFECO Guinee) Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Cross-border initiative, Security governance, Disarmament, Women, peace and security, Humanitarian assistance, Peace education, Counter-Terrorism and radicalization, Human and drug trafficking. 10-Oct
Reseau des Organisations de la Societe Civile pour l'Observation et le Suivi des Elections (ROSE) Early Warning, Democracy and political governance, Corruption 2009
Ligue Guineenne des Droits de l'Homme (LIGUIDHO) Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Corruption 2013
West Africa Network for Peace Building (WANEP Guinee). Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Women, peace and security, Peace Education, 2003
Mano River Women's Peace Network (MARWOPNET) Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Cross-border initiative, Security governance, Humanitarian assistance, Peace education, Women, Peace and Security 2000
Coalition Nationale de Guinee pour les Droits et la Citoyennete des Femmes (CONAG-DCF Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Cross-border initiative, natural resources governance Women, peace and security, Humanitarian assistance, Youth EmpowermentPeace education 2002
FOSCAO-GB (Forum des Organisations de la Societe Civile de l`Afrique de l`Ouest en Guinee Bissau) Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Natural resource governance, Cross-border initiative, Security governance , Practical disarmament, Women, peace and security, Peace Education, Counter-terrorism and radicalization, Maritime Security, Money Laundering, Human & Drug Trafficking, Cyber Crimes, Corruption. 2003
Casa dos Direitos (House of Rights) Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, creation of blogs and newsletters. 2012
Liga Guineense dos Direitos Humanos (LGDH) 1991
RENLUV Human rights and the rule of law, Early warning, Women, peace and security, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education
Senegalese-Guinean Alliance for Peace and Integration (ASGPI) Media, Peace Education, Youth Empowerment , Cross-border initiative
Voz di Paz - Iniciativa para a Consolidacao de Paz (Voice of Peace - Initiative for Pecebuilding Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Natural resource governance, Women, Peace and Security,Peace education 2007
Asociacao de Jovens para a promocao da paz e cooperacao transfronteirica AJPCT, (Youth association for the promotion of peace and cross border cooperation) Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Media, Natural resources governance, Peace Education, Youth Empowerment 2002
Djemberem Di Cumpo Combersa (DDCC: Civil Mediation Service for Peace), Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Peace Education, Practical Disarmament
Observatorio dos Direitos Humanos para a Para a Democracia e Desenvolvimento Early warning, Media, Natural resource governance, Women, Peace and Security, Peace education 2007
DEVELOPMENT EDUCATION NETWORK, -LIBERIA (DEN-L) Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and The Rule of Law, Women, Peace and Security, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education, Corruption 1999
RIGHTS AND RICE FOUNDATION Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance,Human Rights and Natural Resource Governance, Natural Resource Governance 2007
Bassa Women Development Association ( BAWODA) Human Rights and The Rule of Law, Natural Resource Governance, Women, Peace and Security, Peace Education 2003
Camp for Peace Liberia (CFP-Liberia) Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Peace Education, Youth Empowerment 2005
Center for Media Studies and Peace Building (CEMESP) Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Media, Peace Education, Security governance 2000
Ecumenical Women Association of Liberia (EWAL) Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Women, Peace and Security,Women, Peace and Security, Peace Education 2005
Inter-Religious Council of Liberia (IRCL-RfP) Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Youth Empowerment, Peace education, Humanitarian assistance 1990
Peacebuilding Hub Liberia (PHub Liberia) Youth Empowerment, Women, Peace and Security, Peace education
Foundation For Peace and Development (FPD)  Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Youth , Peace educationEmpowerment, Humanitarian assistance 2011
Liberia National Law Enforcement Association (LINLEA) Human Rights and the rule of law, Security Governance, Women, peace and security 1994
Association des femmes pour les Initiatives de PAIX (AFIP) Early warning, Disarmament, Women, Peace and Security 1998
Marche Mondiale des Femmes / Coordination Nationale -Mali (CN-MMF/Mali) Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resources governance, Cross-border initiative, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Peace education, Drug and human trafficking 1998
Reseau Paix et Securite des Femmes de l'Espace CEDEAO (REPSFECO/Mali) Security Governance, Women, Peace and Security, Peace Education, Counter-terrorism and radicalization 2011
Coalition Nationale de la Societe Civile pour la Paix et la Lutte contre la Proliferation des Armes Legères (CONASCIPAL) Early Warning, Peace education, Governance of Security 1999
ONG Carrefour Developpement (CAR.D) Early warning,Ppreventive diplomacy,Democracy and political governance, Medias,Natural resources governance, Security governace, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Peace education 1993
ORFED "Organisation for reflection, training and education for democracy and development")  Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Media, Peace Education 2004
Women's National Movement for the Safeguard of Peace and National Unity (MNFPUN)- 1991
Groupe de Recherche, d'Etude, de Formation, Femmes, Action (GREFFA) 2007
Forum des Organisations de la Societe Civile du Mali (FOSC) Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, security governance, peace education, money aundering, corruption 2009
Reseau des ONG de Developpement et Associations de Defense des Droits de l'Homme et de la Democratie (RODADDHD) Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resource governance, Cross-border initiative, Women, peace and security, Peace Education, Counter-terrorism and radicalization, Money Laundering, Corruption. 2005
ONG SOS-Civisme / Niger Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education, Counter-terrorism and radicalization. 1999
Mouvement des Jeunes pour le Developpement e l'Education Citoyenne (MOJEDEC) Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Security governance , , Women, peace and security, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education, Counter-terrorism and radicalization, 2011
Association EPP (Education pour la Paix et le Progrès) Youth Empowerment, Peace Education 2007
Collectif des Organisations de Defense des Droits de L'Homme et de la Democratie (CODDHD Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Women, peace and security, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education,
Reseau des Femmes pour la Paix (REFEPA) Human rights and the rule of law, Women, peace and security, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education,
Reseau Panafricain Pour la Paix, la Democratie et le Developpement (REPPADD) Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resources management, Peace education 2011
ONG JMED NIGER (Jeunesse-Enfance-Migration-Developpement) Human rights and the rule of law, Medias Youth Empowerment Peace Education, Humanitarian Assistance , Human and drug trafficking 2013
L'Association Nigerienne de Defense des Droits de L'Homme (ANDDH) Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Medias Peace Education, 1991
Femmes, Actions et Developpement (FAD) Human rights and the rule of law, Medias Youth Empowerment Peace Education,
Women's Rights and Health Project Democracy and Political Governance , Human Rights and The Rule of Law , Women, Peace and Security , Youth Empowerment, Peace Education, Human and Drug Trafficking 2007
African Foundation for Environment and Development - AFED Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Women, Peace and Security, Youth Empowerment, Humanitarian Assistance , Peace Education, Corruption Founded in
West African Civil Society Forum (WACSOF) Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and The Rule of Law, Cross-Border Initiative Women, Peace and Security , Youth Empowerment Humanitarian Assistance 2003
Centre for Law Enforcement Education (CLEEN), CLEEN FOUNDATION ? Early Warning ? Human Rights and The Rule of Law ? Media ? Natural Resource Governance ? Cross-Border Initiative ? Security Governance ? Women, Peace and Security ? Youth Empowerment ? Peace Education ? Counter-terrorism and radicalization ? Human and Drug Trafficking ? Corruption 1998
African Youths International Development Foundation (AFYIDEF) Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Natural resources, Peace Education
The Bayelsa Non-Governmental Organizations Forum (BANGOF) Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and The Rule of Law, Media 2008
Centre for Peace Across Borders (CePAB) Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Peace Education, Corruption
Conflict Prevention and Peace Building Initiative (CPPBI) Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Media, Women, Peace and Security, Youth Empowerment, Humanitarian Assistance, Peace Education, Security governance, Practical Disarmament, Counter-terrorism and Radicalization 2010
Development Education and Advocacy Resources for Africa (DEAR Africa) Initiative Democracy and Political Governance, Media, Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Natural resource governance, Youth Empowerment
Leadership Initiative For Transformations and Empowerment ( LITE- Africa) 1999
Society for The rights of the Excluded and Disempowered (SOREX Nigeria)
Women For Peace (WOPIN)
Association des Femmes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest AFAO / WAWA Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Cross-border initiative, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Humanitarian Assistance, 2005
Comite Regional de Solidarite des Femmes pour la Paix en Casamance - CRSFPC /USOFORAL Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Cross-border initiative, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Peace education, Peace education 1999
Dynamique de paix en Casamance –DPC Early warning, Human rights and rule of law, Cross-border initiative, Security Governance, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Humanitarian Assistance, Peace Education 2012
Plateforme des Femmes pour la Paix en Casamance (PFPC) Early Warning, Democracy and Political Governance, Human Rights and The Rule of Law, Natural resources management, Cross-border initiative, Women, Peace and Security, Peace Education 2010
FOSCAO SENEGAL Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Natural resource governance, Cross-border initiative, Security governance , Practical disarmament, Women, peace and security, Peace Education, Counter-terrorism and radicalization, Maritime Security, Money Laundering, Human & Drug Trafficking, Cyber Crimes, Corruption. 2005
Association Regionale des Femmes pour la Recherche de la Paix en Casamance – KABONKETOOR  Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Natural resource governance, Cross-border initiative, Women, peace and security, Peace Education, humanitarian Assistance 1999
Forum pour un Developpement Durable Endogène (FODDE) Early warning, Natural resource governance, Cross-border initiative, Women, peace and security, Youth Empowerment 1997
Union des Radios Associatives et Communautaires du Senegal (URAC ) Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Security Governance, Cross-border initiative, Women, peace and security, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education, Human and drug trafficking, Corruption 2004
Femmes Africa Solidarite (FA S)- Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Cross-border initiative, Security Governance, Women, peace and security, Peace education, Corruption 1996
Rencontre Africaine pour la Defense des Droits de l'Homme (RADDHO) Early warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resources governance, Cross-border initiative, Security Governance, Women, peace and security, Peace education, Corruption 1990
Campaign for Good Governance ( CGG) Early warning, Women peace and Security, Youth Empowerment, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Women, Peace and Security Corruption,
West African Youth Network (WAYN) enhance the participation of young people in issues relating to peace building, conflict resolution, governance, accountability, youth development and human rights 2001
Society for Democracy Initiative (SDI) Civic Education, Civil Society Strengthening, Elections, Human Rights, Media and Freedom of Expression, Political and Civic Participation of Youth, Political Parties and Political Leadership, Rule of Law, Transparency and Anti-Corruption.
National Election Watch (NEW) Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law 2002
Journalists for Human Rights (JHR)
Inter-Religious Councils of Sierra Leone (IRC SL) Advocacy - monitoring peace plans; human rights; child abuse; good governance; poverty alleviation 2. Peacemaking and peace building – Peace Education- developing and nurturing skills and knowledge in mediation and conflict resolution and transformation; reconciliation; social Integration 3. Sensitisation - social mobilisation at various levels 4. Strategic humanitarian assistance – Assist groups providing relief (food, medical, education) to reach target groups including grass roots communities 1997
Peace and Reconciliation Movement –SIERRA LEONE 1996
50/50 Group
Coalition for the promotion of Development and Human Rights (CPDHR)
Forum for Sierra Leone Youth Network (FOSLYN)
Cercle des Jeunes pour une Societe de Paix (CJSP-TOGO) Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Cross-border initiative, Security governance , Practical Disarmament, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment, Humanitarian Assistance, Peace Education, Counter-terrorism and radicalization, Human & Drug Trafficking 1992
Centre de Recherches et d''Etudes sur la Securite et le Developpement (CRESED) Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Cross-border initiative, Security governance, Women, peace and security, Peace Education, Counter-terrorism and radicalization, Maritime Security, Money Laundering, Human & Drug Trafficking, Cyber Crimes, Corruption 2012
Forum de la societe civile de l'Afrique de l'Ouest/ branche togolaise (FOSCAO-Togo) Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Human rights and the rule of law, Natural resource governance, Cross-border initiative, Security governance , Women, peace and security, Peace Education, Counter-terrorism and radicalization, Maritime Security, Money Laundering, Human & Drug Trafficking, Corruption. 2004
Les Amis de la Terre-Togo (ADT-Togo) Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Media, Natural resource governance, Cross-border initiative, Security governance , Practical disarmament, Women, peace and security, Peace Education, Maritime security, Corruption. 1990
Centre Afrika Obota Early warning, Preventive diplomacy, Human rights and the rule of law, Security governance , Peace Education, Money Laundering, Corruption. 1999
Centre de Documentation et de Formation sur les Droit de l'Homme (CDFDH). Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of law, Peace Education 2017
Collectif des Associations Contre l'Impunite au Togo (CACIT) Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of Law, Peace, Education, Corruption 2006
FLORAISON Early Warning, Democracy and political governance, Human rights and the rule of Law, Youth Empowerment, Peace Education 1997
WANEP-Togo Early, Warning,Preventive Diplomacy Democarcy and political Governance, Human rights and rule of law, Media, Natural resources governance, Woemen, peace and security Femmes, Peace Education conter-terrorism and radicalization 2002
Test register
Coaches of Influence Foundation (COIF) Peace education, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment , 2019
Aaron Dele Emmanuel
ONG CULTURE ART HUMANITE Corruption, Cross-border initiative, Democracy and political governance, Early warning, Human & drug trafficking, Human rights and the rule of law, Humanitarian assistance, Mass illegal migration, Media , Money laundering, Peace education, Practical disarmament, Preventive diplomacy, Security governance, Terrorism, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment , 2011
Adaramola George Bamidele
FATOU NDAO Corruption, Cross-border initiative, Cybercrimes, 2022
Human Security Research Centre Ghana
RIMAMNDE FYAFATIRIMAM Democracy and political governance, Early warning, 2014
Kudzi Oil Corruption, Human & drug trafficking, Human rights and the rule of law, Media , Natural resource governance, Natural Resources, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment , 1969
Sam Ntewo Media , Money laundering, Terrorism, Youth empowerment , 2004
Coaches of Influence Foundation (COIF)
UNIVERSAL PEACE AND VIOLENCE AMELIORATION CENTRE Corruption, Cross-border initiative, Cybercrimes, Democracy and political governance, Early warning, Human & drug trafficking, Human rights and the rule of law, Humanitarian assistance, Maritime security, Mass illegal migration, Media , Money laundering, Natural resource governance, Natural Resources, Peace education, Practical disarmament, Preventive diplomacy, Security governance, Terrorism, Women, peace and security, Youth empowerment , 2015
ONG Recuperation des Mendiants
Skks sjsks
ASATTAHIR International Foundation (AIF)
E-EDUCATION link West Africa limited
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