About Us


The ECOWAS Peace and Security CSO Platform is a web-based platform developed for the purpose of expanding and deepening the collaboration and partnership between ECOWAS and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in the promotion of peace and security in West Africa. This portal is aimed at creating a West African Civil Society Organizations Database (WACSODA) that would be at the disposal of ECOWAS to identify and work with CSOs at national and regional levels.

The portal provides information on Civil Society Organizations and Networks active in the area of Peace and Security in the ECOWAS member states as this will allow for better engagement between ECOWAS and CSOs in the different areas of peace and security vis-à-vis conflict prevention, resolution and peace building in individual member states as well as at regional level.


CSO Registration
The ECOWAS Peace and Security CSO Platform provides for CSOs to sign up into the WACSODA. Interested CSOs are to register by completing and submitting the registration form provided on the platform www.cso.ecowas.int/peacefund/cso/.
Submissions will be authenticated by the ECOWAS Commission, with approved CSOs integrated into the WACSODA and listed as registered members on the ECOWAS Peace and Security CSO Platform.

News & Updates

The Platform provides for registered CSOs to add events, news, documents, or update CSO information. It also allows registered CSOs to view profiles and updates from other registered CSOs.